Wherein I occasionally rant on various topics including, but not limited to, PHP, Music, and whatever other Topics I find interesting at the moment, including my brain tumor surgery of August 2010.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Sprint Sample Silliness

Only Sprint could deliver a camera phone, chock-full of Sample Pictures, which are LOCKED and you cannot DELETE, so you can't take more than ~6 pictures.

And their tech support has no idea how to unlock/delete them.

Innumerable forum threads asking how to delete them exist.

And the only solution appears to be to download the phone OS, hack into it with a JavaLoader or by mounting it on your computer, finding some oddly-named .cod file, and deleting that file before you install the OS.

But the name of the file is version-dependent, and deleting the wrong file gives you a dead phone.

And, really, how tricky can it BE to give users an "unlock" button or just make the sample pictures not locked in the first place?!